In this series I built these pieces from elements that belonged to my great-grandmother, my grandmother, my mother and her sisters. These are materials that were part of tablecloths, curtains, sheets and nightgowns handmade by them. These materials bring us to the present the daily, silent, and normally feminine, tasks. I chose each one carefully for its symbolic meaning and its ability to transform into metaphors. By using them, I take a tour of my obsessions and concerns, which are repeated throughout my work. Where I reflect on rethinking the feminine and the place that women should occupy in the social order and in their own order. 

When I go through the textiles with my hands, my eyes, my smell, I try to find traces that help me to reconstruct, to decipher that feminine world. A world where it was unthinkable to rebel against the established gender mandate. It is through these works, previously relegated to the domestic and the feminine, where I find the strength to think of myself outside the norm of the masculine world. 

I feel that by intervening, by repairing these fabrics, I am repairing old wounds of the women in my family and of women in general. My hands overlap theirs and paint and embroider an almost invisible suture, to take care of the fragility of the canvas and of life itself.

 Each of these jewels represents a different age. In some way, the three pieces secretly unite heritage and memory. 

While I work there is a constant exchange between my hands, my thoughts and the elements that I choose to make my works. They suggest me, they inspire me, and, in turn, I transform them so that they help me say what I want to say. It is a mutual influence, a continuous becoming. Like a language in permanent evolution.

Benita, 2021
Necklace made of antique curtain, river pearls, silver clasp, threads, old lead hem weight tape from antique dresses, acrylic paint.

Photo credits: Patricia Bova Zuccarino

Consuelo, 2021
Necklace made of antique curtain, crystal pearls, silver clasp, latex, lace, bee´s wax, threads, old lead hem weight tape from antique dresses, acrylic paint.

Photo credits: Patricia Bova Zuccarino

Julia, 2021
Necklace made of antique curtain, crystal pearls, silver clasp, threads, tulle, old lead hem weight tape from antique dresses, acrylic paint.

Photo credits: Patricia Bova Zuccarino